Ivan Raiklin Reveals How to Handle the Unhinged Left and Previews The Flynn Was Framed Evidence Wall


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In this episode of the Brannon Howse live, the discussion was intense and wide-ranging, focusing primarily on current political and security issues facing America. The episode kicked off with Brannon Howse addressing a more somber note on historical figures like MLK and JFK, and humorously suggesting that their absence from the discussion could be attributed to them being silenced by the government in the past—a nod to conspiracy theories that often intrigue his listeners.

The main segment featured a conversation with Ivan Raiklin, who is actively touring with General Michael Flynn to promote a documentary about Flynn. Raiklin shared insights from the tour, describing the overwhelmingly positive response from audiences across various locations, despite a minor negative incident which they effectively managed. He emphasized the rigorous presentation of what he termed a "wall of evidence" each night, aimed at demonstrating General Flynn's innocence and the alleged orchestration behind his legal troubles.

Raiklin's discussion also ventured into the strategy they employed to counteract criticism from leftist groups. He detailed the proactive measures they took to ensure the narrative surrounding General Flynn was communicated effectively to the public, showcasing the depth of support for Flynn among conservative circles.Additionally, the episode touched upon the reactions of the audience to the documentary, highlighting the emotional and often charged atmosphere during the screening.

Raiklin praised the documentary for its compelling storytelling and factual precision, which he believed showcased an important narrative often overlooked by mainstream media.

Throughout the episode, Brannon Howse maintained a critical view of governmental overreach, connecting past historical silencing of figures to current events, creating a thematic continuity that resonated with his audience's concerns about freedom of speech and governmental transparency. The discussion was not just a promotion of the Flynn documentary but also a broader commentary on the state of American politics and media.

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