General Flynn Reports From The Road After Flynn Movie Screening Sold Out in First Two Cities

In a recent episode of "IN THE SCIF WITH GEN FLYNN" On Patriot TV, General Michael Flynn embarked on a 35-city Flynn Movie Tour, engaging audiences with his compelling narrative and insights. The tour, kicking off in Venice, Florida, to sold-out crowds, aimed to thank supporters and share Flynn's story of survival and resilience. Flynn, known for his distinguished military career and tenure as the 18th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and 24th U.S. National Security Adviser, brings a wealth of experience to his discussions on national security, foreign policy, and the challenges facing America.


During the episode, Flynn provided live updates from Winter Haven, Florida, reflecting on the overwhelming support and engagement from the audience. The tour's mission extends beyond showcasing Flynn's documentary; it seeks to inspire Americans to stand up, speak out, and participate more actively in their communities. Flynn emphasized the significance of local action for national impact, encouraging involvement in school boards and community initiatives as a means to counter the threats of globalism and maintain American sovereignty.


Additionally, Flynn touched upon the strategic importance of energy independence, critiquing the Biden administration's handling of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and its implications for national security. He also delved into the escalating tensions in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and the Pacific, highlighting the interconnectedness of global conflicts and the importance of a principled foreign policy that supports allies like Israel.


Through engaging narratives and critical analysis, Flynn and Patriot TV provide a platform for exploring the intricacies of current global and domestic issues, promoting an informed and active citizenry ready to defend the principles upon which America was founded.

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