The Kate Dalley Show
Watch “The Kate Dalley Show”
All Shows are Eastern Time
Monday – Friday
10:00 PM – 11:30 PM
Kate Dalley is a cutting-edge, nationally recognized radio host known for her sharp political analysis and fearless approach to controversial topics. She hosts “The Kate Dalley Show,” syndicated in multiple markets and available on various online platforms. With 7 co-hosts offering diverse viewpoints, Kate tackles issues without political correctness. Her live show, a daily podcast, has garnered over 25 million listens since 2020. Kate is a staunch defender of the Constitution, an election fraud exposer, and proudly anti-feminist. Her impressive guest list includes Dr. Ben Carson, Glenn Beck, and Senator Rand Paul. Kate, originally from California, now resides in Southern Utah, passionately advocating for common sense, family values, and American principles.
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