They've Been Cheating At Elections For a Lot Longer Than We Are Willing To Accept.


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In this episode of Sam Sorbo Show, Sam Sorbo passionately argued for a redefinition of education, advocating for homeschooling as a crucial alternative. Throughout the show, she emphasized the power of parents as primary educators and role models for their children, dismissing the effectiveness of traditional schooling systems in fostering genuine learning and character development.

The broadcast tackled various topics, notably the pitfalls of school choice. Sorbo critically examined the popular discourse on school choice, challenging the notion that it's a straightforward benefit to the education system. She highlighted concerns that school choice, particularly through vouchers and educational savings accounts, could unwittingly lead to greater government regulation and influence over private and Christian schools as well as homeschooling practices.

Sorbo also discussed an incident involving her puppy being attacked, which she related back to broader societal issues concerning responsibility and law enforcement. Additionally, she criticized the current political and cultural divisions in America, suggesting that these divisions might be overstated by media and political narratives to manipulate public perception.

The show included a segment on the divisive topics of abortion and sex education, with Sorbo articulating a conservative stance on these issues, reflecting her broader educational and moral philosophy. She stressed the importance of maintaining traditional values in education and public life, resisting what she views as liberal encroachments on family and religious freedoms.

Throughout the episode, Sorbo maintained a focus on empowering parents to take charge of their children's education and to question the prevailing educational norms and policies critically. She called for a revival of conservative and Christian values in education, positioning these as essential for the nation's moral and intellectual health.

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