Sobering 1965 Warning From Paul Harvey About The Welfare State and Steve Mosher on How the U.S. is Mimicking China


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In the “Brannon Howse Live” broadcast, featuring Steven Mosher, a prominent figure fighting against communism and advocating for population awareness, an extensive conversation unfolded about the perils of communism and the ideological underpinnings that drive such systems. Mosher, through his work with the Population Research Institute, offers a deep dive into how communism, driven by hate rather than love, has historically led to significant human suffering and loss.


Mosher drew parallels between the hateful motivations behind communism, as acknowledged by both Bishop Fulton Sheen and Chairman Mao, and the destructive outcomes observed throughout history. He highlighted Mao Zedong's reign, under which tens of millions of Chinese people suffered due to famine, purges, and the infamous one-child policy. This policy alone, inspired by Mao's visions of population control, accounted for the deaths of 400 million unborn and newborn children, contributing to a staggering total death toll attributed to Mao's governance.

The conversation shifted to a critique of modern policies in the United States that Mosher views as being influenced by Marxist ideologies, particularly in the context of government expansion and wealth redistribution. He criticized these policies for undermining personal responsibility and work ethic, suggesting they cater to a culture of dependency and entitlement.

Mosher expressed alarm over the parallels he sees between the communist agenda he observed in China and certain policy trends in the U.S., warning against the dangers of socialism and the erosion of foundational American values. He argued that the path towards socialism, under the guise of providing security and equality, inevitably leads to government overreach, loss of personal freedoms, and economic decline.

The broadcast included references to historical warnings about communism and socialism's failures, invoking the wisdom of figures like Paul Harvey, who in 1965 articulated concerns about the U.S. straying from its founding principles towards a more centralized and powerful government. This narrative served as a caution against the erosion of individual liberties in the pursuit of security and equality, emphasizing the need for vigilance in preserving the core values of freedom, personal responsibility, and faith in God and country.

Mosher's discussion underscored a deep concern for the trajectory of American society, likening the current political and cultural shifts to the errors that led to the downfall of other great nations. By drawing on historical examples and his personal experiences with the devastating impact of communism in China, Mosher aimed to alert the audience to the potential consequences of continuing down a path he believes is fraught with danger for the foundational principles of the United States.

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