The Pediatric Truthers

In a recent episode of "The Two Docs Show" on Patriot TV, Dr. James Thorp and Dr. Renate Moon celebrated the show's growing popularity and engaged in a meaningful discussion on critical medical issues with a panel of experienced pediatricians. The episode underscored the repression and challenges faced by pediatricians who diverge from mainstream narratives, particularly regarding COVID-19 treatments and vaccine recommendations.


The panel featured Dr. Kristin Strange, Dr. Megan Land Worland, and Dr. Tom Schriner, who collectively brought over a century of clinical experience to the discussion. They shared personal stories highlighting their journey through the COVID-19 pandemic, the obstacles they encountered for advocating early treatment options like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and their concerns over the rapid deployment of COVID-19 vaccines without long-term safety data.


Dr. Strange detailed her experience in North Carolina, where she questioned mainstream COVID-19 protocols and faced challenges for promoting early treatment. Dr. Worland shared the heartbreaking story of her father's death from COVID-19 and her subsequent quest for effective treatments, which led to professional repercussions and a forced career shift. Dr. Schriner, with a varied career including military service, expressed his disillusionment with the established medical response to COVID-19 and recounted his own departure from conventional practice due to his stance on treatment and vaccine safety.


The doctors discussed the broader implications of their experiences, touching on themes of censorship, the corporatization of healthcare, and the erosion of medical freedom and parental rights. They emphasized the importance of independent medical practice and the need to uphold ethical standards and patient care above institutional pressures and financial incentives.


"The Two Docs Show" provided a platform for these pediatricians to share their insights and experiences, offering viewers a deeper understanding of the complexities and challenges within the medical community during the pandemic.  "The Two Docs Show"  highlighted the critical need for open dialogue, scientific inquiry, and the protection of individual freedoms in the face of global health crises.

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