Next Gen Marxism Explained And Exposed


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In a recent episode of "Making Sense of the Madness" on Patriot TV, the Jason Bermas and, Mike Gonzalez, delve into the intricate world of Next Gen Marxism, exploring its origins, current influence, and strategies for combatting its pervasive effects on American society. Gonzalez, with a background as a journalist and senior fellow at a prominent think tank, brings a wealth of experience in analyzing the threats posed by ideological shifts aimed at undermining the United States' foundational values.


The conversation kicks off with Gonzalez's motivations for writing "Next Gen Marxism: What Is It and How to Combat It?" He shares his transition from covering international threats to recognizing the domestic ideological battles threatening to dismantle American culture and constitutional order. Gonzalez identifies a concerted effort within the country to paint America as systemically flawed, necessitating radical transformation. This narrative, he argues, is deeply rooted in Marxist ideology, adapted and propagated through various cultural and educational channels to instill a sense of victimhood and a call for systemic overhaul.


Central to the discussion is the concept of equity, contrasted with the foundational American principle of equality. The hosts critique the redefinition of equity to mean government-mandated, race-based outcomes, undermining the principle of equal opportunity and inflaming social divisions. This shift towards equity, according to Gonzalez, is a hallmark of Next Gen Marxism, emphasizing identity politics and cultural dominance to achieve political ends.


The episode Of “Making Sense of the Madness"   further explores Marxism's evolution from its economic class struggle origins to its modern incarnation that weaponizes culture, race, and gender to fragment societal cohesion. Gonzalez and the host dissect the tactics used by Next Gen Marxists, including infiltrating educational institutions, promoting divisive ideologies, and pushing for radical policies under the guise of social justice. The discussion illuminates the strategic long game played by these ideologues to reshape American identity and governance.


Moreover, the program addresses practical solutions and strategies for countering next-gen Marxism, emphasizing the importance of local action, education reform, and the preservation of constitutional principles. Gonzalez advocates for a return to foundational American values and the promotion of a unified national identity based on individual liberty, merit, and community engagement.


"Making Sense of the Madness" provides a comprehensive overview of the ideological battles shaping the contemporary American landscape. Through expert analysis and engaging dialogue, the show underscores the urgency of recognizing and resisting the encroachment of Next Gen Marxism to safeguard the nation's future.

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