False Flag? FBI Director Warns Again of China Hacking U.S. Power-Grid, Water Systems and Other Vital Infrastructure


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In this episode, Brannon Howse focuses on current geopolitical tensions involving Israel, Iran, and Russia, along with potential threats to the U.S. from various international actors, including China. Brannon discusses recent allegations of Israeli airstrikes in Syria, Iran, and Iraq, and speculates about the broader implications of these actions on global stability, particularly concerning potential U.S. involvement and the reactions it might provoke from Russia.

The conversation also covers FBI Director Christopher Wray's warnings about the risks posed by Chinese government-linked hackers to U.S. critical infrastructure. Wray emphasizes the comprehensive nature of these threats, suggesting that China aims to undermine key U.S. systems to assert its global dominance and potentially disrupt American responses to international crises, such as a future conflict with Taiwan.

Furthermore, Brannon raises concerns about internal security and the integrity of U.S. critical systems, mentioning reported issues with emergency services like 911 being temporarily unavailable in several states. He ties these incidents to broader discussions about national readiness and resilience in the face of cyber threats and other forms of disruption.

Overall, the broadcast paints a picture of a complex and interconnected series of international and domestic challenges facing the U.S., framed by Brannon's analysis of the strategic, military, and cyber threats from foreign adversaries. He urges preparedness and vigilance among his audience, emphasizing the need for a strong and immediate response to these escalating geopolitical and security issues.

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