Dr. Vicki on Preventing Alzheimer's and Dementia


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In this episode of Brannon Live Howse, Dr. Victoria joined to discuss a significant topic regarding Alzheimer's prevention, highlighting insights from a recent Wall Street Journal article. The discussion began with a focus on the specific vulnerabilities of women to Alzheimer's, particularly as they undergo hormonal changes during menopause. Dr. Victoria pointed out that the sudden loss of hormones can place women at a cognitive disadvantage, increasing their risk for early symptoms of Alzheimer's.

Dr. Victoria expanded on the topic by explaining the distinctions between Alzheimer's and dementia, noting that Alzheimer's can manifest in various forms including inflammatory, atrophic, and toxic types—the latter sometimes linked controversially to amalgam dental fillings. She stressed that these conditions, though often spoken of interchangeably, have distinct causes and manifestations.

The conversation also covered broader preventative strategies against Alzheimer's, referencing the work of Dr. Dale Bredesen, who argues in his book "The End of Alzheimer's" that the disease can be both prevented and reversed. Dr. Victoria emphasized the importance of addressing factors such as inflammation, hormone imbalances, and insulin resistance, which can be indicators of predisposition to Alzheimer's.

Additionally, Dr. Victoria discussed the significance of managing thyroid health and cortisol levels, relating these to broader issues of bodily inflammation and stress, which can exacerbate cognitive decline. She advocated for a proactive approach to health, suggesting that lifestyle changes and proper hormone management can significantly alter one's risk profile for Alzheimer's and dementia.

The broadcast not only provided detailed medical insights into Alzheimer's prevention but also reinforced the need for a holistic approach to health that integrates understanding of hormonal balance, diet, and overall lifestyle management.

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