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In this episode of “The Home Front,” host Michelle Pozzie and co-host Aly Legge welcome Dr. Kelly Kohls alongside panelists Tanya Pyrus, Polina Voinevych, and Brianna Pozzie for an engaging discussion on the recent changes to Title IX under the Biden administration. Dr. Kelly Kohls, from the National School Board Leadership Council, provides detailed insights into the implications of these changes, emphasizing the potential dismantling of 40 years of progress in women’s sports and the significant legal ramifications for school boards that comply with these new directives.

The conversation highlights the executive overreach of President Biden, who has altered Title IX protections via executive order, challenging the constitutional limits of presidential power and potentially harming the integrity of women’s sports. Dr. Kohls underscores that only Congress has the authority to create or amend laws, and Biden’s executive action cannot lawfully change Title IX. She advises school boards to resist implementing these changes, stressing the importance of protecting girls’ sports and private spaces from policies that allow biological males to compete in female sports and access female locker rooms.

Panelists discuss the broader societal impacts, including the risks to free speech and parental rights, and the need for community activism to safeguard educational and personal freedoms. They emphasize the importance of parents and community members standing up against these policies, providing evidence to school boards about the potential harms and insisting on adherence to constitutional principles.

The episode also delves into the practical steps parents and citizens can take, such as submitting FOIA requests, engaging in public comments at school board meetings, and uniting communities to challenge unconstitutional mandates. The panel discusses the role of grassroots movements in preserving traditional values and ensuring that local governance aligns with the broader public’s interests.

Additionally, Polina Voinevych shares her perspective as an immigrant from Ukraine, drawing parallels between her experiences under a communist regime and the current encroachments on freedoms in the U.S., emphasizing the importance of vigilance and activism to protect liberty.

The episode concludes with a call to action, urging viewers to actively participate in local governance and to stand firm in defending constitutional rights and freedoms. This comprehensive discussion on “The Home Front” serves as a rallying cry for community engagement and the protection of foundational American values against overreach and ideological impositions.

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